For some SAP users, SAP forms are not generated with SAP internal form tools (SAP Script, Smart Forms, Adobe Forms), but the form generation is done via an external output management system (OMS). The external OMS may be Jetforms, Formscape, Streamserve or the TDS (Tentacle Document Server).
If SAP forms are generated with an external OMS, the print preview is often not possible directly in SAP. One would have to call the external OMS to see the print preview. However, a typical SAP user does not have access to the external OMS and in many cases he wants a print previwe directly in SAP before the form is printed or sent by e-mail.
The SAP user creates the forms with an external OMS. In our example, a TDS (Tentacle Document Server) was linked to SAP ERP via an SAP PI. The raw data for this is generated in an SAP Script print program. The SAP Script form is programmed so that no form output is done, but the raw data of the form is sent to the external OMS via the SAP PI as an IDoc. Alternatively, an RDI data stream could also be generated in the SAP spool, which is then passed to the external OMS.
If the SAP user wants a print preview, an flag within the IDoc is sent to the external OMS so that it creates a PDF file and stores it as a binary object in the SAP database. The SAP application waits until the PDF file can be read and can be displayed in an HTML control within the Sapgui.
Execute the requirement
Realisierung im Druckprogramm
Vor dem Aufruf des Funktionsbausteins OPEN_FORM wird im Falle einer Druckbildansicht eine eindeutige GUID erzeugt.
* GUID bei Druckbildansicht erzeugen if us_screen = abap_true. * CALL METHOD cl_guid_services=>create * IMPORTING * ev_guid_16 = yvbdka-guid. call function 'GUID_CREATE' importing ev_guid_16 = yvbdka-guid. endif.
Direkt vor OPEN_FORM wird die GUID in das Feld ITCPO-TDCOVTITLE geschrieben.
* Spoolparameter setzen if not yvbdka-guid is initial. lvs_itcpo-tdcovtitle = 'GUID:'. lvs_itcpo-tdcovtitle+5 = yvbdka-guid. endif. * OPEN_FORM call function 'OPEN_FORM' exporting archive_index = toa_dara archive_params = arc_params device = lvf_device dialog = ' ' form = tnapr-fonam language = nast-spras options = lvs_itcpo mail_sender = lvs_sender mail_recipient = lvs_recipient exceptions canceled = 1 device = 2 form = 3 options = 4 unclosed = 5 mail_options = 6 archive_error = 7 others = 8.
Das Formular wird nun erzeugt, CLOSE_FORM wird prozessiert und das SAP Script-Formular geht als Idoc an das externe OMS.
Wenn die GUID gefüllt ist, dann druckt das externe OMS nicht das Formular, sondern reicht das PDF im Format BASE64 an die SAP PI weiter.
Die SAP PI ruft nun einen Proxy im ERP auf und übergibt die PDF-Datei in folgender Struktur.
The RAWSTRING content field contains the PDF file.
In a specially developed function module Z_PI_SAVE_PDF_FROM_TDS, the PDF file is saved with correspondence to the GUID in table ZTDS_PREVIEW. The function module Z_PI_SAVE_PDF_FROM_TDS is included in the method of the proxy in SAP ERP.
This is how the PDF file in the format BASE64 looks in the database (transaction SE16).
Coding im Funktionsbaustein Z_PI_SAVE_PDF_FROM_TDS:
FUNCTION z_pi_save_pdf_from_tds. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Lokale Schnittstelle: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(IT_CONTENT) TYPE ZPI_CONTENT_T OPTIONAL *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Deklarationen ------------------------------------------------------ * DATA: ls_content TYPE zpi_content_s, ls_preview type ztds_preview. * Uhrzeit holen ------------------------------------------------------ * GET TIME. * PDF aus TDS sichern ------------------------------------------------ * LOOP AT it_content INTO ls_content. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_content TO ls_preview. ls_preview-ernam = sy-uname. ls_preview-erdat = sy-datum. ls_preview-eruhr = sy-uzeit. MODIFY ztds_preview from ls_preview. ENDLOOP. * ... und sofort verbuchen ------------------------------------------- * COMMIT WORK. ENDFUNCTION.
The PDF is now in the table and can now be displayed on the screen.
In the function module CLOSE_FORM an enhancement was implemented directly at the end, where the PDF is then displayed in an HTML control on the screen.
Coding in Enhancement at the end of function module CLOSE_FORM:
ENHANCEMENT 1 ZZ_TDS_PREVIEW. "active version * Im folgenden wird bei einer Druckbildansicht aus dem TDS ein Dynpro * mit einem HTML-Control angezeigt, der das Formular als PDF zeigt. data: lv_guid type guid_16. if result-tdcovtitle+0(5) = 'GUID:'. lv_guid = result-tdcovtitle+5. CALL FUNCTION 'Z_FRM_PRINT_PREVIEW_FROM_TDS' EXPORTING iv_guid = lv_guid. endif. ENDENHANCEMENT.
The function module Z_FRM_PRINT_PREVIEW_FROM_TDS now polls a total of 10 x with a delay of 1 sec to the GUID on the table ZTDS_PREVIEW and shows the PDF in an HTML control. If nothing is found, it is aborted after 10 seconds.
Coding in function module Z_FRM_PRINT_PREVIEW_FROM_TDS:
FUNCTION-POOL zfrm_preview_01 MESSAGE-ID zfrm. * TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------- * TYPES: tt_pdf TYPE TABLE OF sdokcntbin. * OBJEKTREFERENZEN --------------------------------------------------- * DATA: go_viewer TYPE REF TO i_oi_document_viewer, go_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container. * INTERNE TABELLEN --------------------------------------------------- * DATA: gt_pdf TYPE tt_pdf. * HILFSFELDER -------------------------------------------------------- * DATA: subrc TYPE sysubrc, gv_file_size TYPE i, gv_guid TYPE guid_16, gv_counter TYPE i. DATA: go_timer TYPE REF TO cl_gui_timer. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS lcl_receiver DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_receiver DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: handle_finished FOR EVENT finished OF cl_gui_timer. ENDCLASS. "lcl_receiver DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS lcl_receiver IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_receiver IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD handle_finished. DATA: lv_count_c(5) TYPE c. ADD 1 TO gv_counter. WRITE gv_counter TO lv_count_c LEFT-JUSTIFIED. CALL METHOD go_timer->run. PERFORM read_pdf USING gv_guid CHANGING subrc gt_pdf gv_file_size. IF subrc = 0. go_timer->cancel( ). CALL SCREEN 2000. CALL METHOD go_viewer->destroy_viewer. CALL METHOD go_container->free. FREE: go_viewer, go_container. ELSE. MESSAGE s001. ENDIF. IF gv_counter = 10. MESSAGE s002. LEAVE TO SCREEN 0. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "handle_finished ENDCLASS. "lcl_receiver IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* ***INCLUDE LZFRM_PREVIEW_01F01 . *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form READ_PDF *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM read_pdf USING pv_guid TYPE guid_16 CHANGING subrc TYPE sysubrc gt_pdf TYPE tt_pdf gv_file_size TYPE i. * Deklarationen ------------------------------------------------------ * DATA: ls_preview TYPE ztds_preview. * Initialisieren ----------------------------------------------------- * CLEAR: subrc, gv_file_size, gt_pdf, ls_preview. REFRESH: gt_pdf. * PDF in Tabelle lesen ----------------------------------------------- * SELECT single * INTO ls_preview FROM ztds_preview WHERE guid = pv_guid. IF sy-subrc NE 0. subrc = 8. EXIT. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY' EXPORTING buffer = ls_preview-content append_to_table = 'X' IMPORTING output_length = gv_file_size TABLES binary_tab = gt_pdf. ENDFORM. " READ_PDF *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SHOW_PDF_INPLACE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM show_pdf_inplace . * Deklarationen ------------------------------------------------------ * IF go_viewer IS INITIAL. CALL METHOD c_oi_container_control_creator=>get_document_viewer IMPORTING viewer = go_viewer. CREATE OBJECT go_container EXPORTING container_name = 'CONTAINER'. CALL METHOD go_viewer->init_viewer EXPORTING parent = go_container. CALL METHOD go_viewer->view_document_from_table EXPORTING show_inplace = 'X' "Mit ' ' funktioniert es einwandfrei... type = 'application' subtype = 'pdf' size = gv_file_size CHANGING document_table = gt_pdf. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " SHOW_PDF_INPLACE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SHOW_PDF_INPLACE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM print_preview. PERFORM read_pdf USING gv_guid CHANGING subrc gt_pdf gv_file_size. CHECK subrc = 0. * Dynpro aufrufen ---------------------------------------------------- * CALL SCREEN 2000. ENDFORM. " PRINT_PREVIEW Dynpro 2000 PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT. MODULE status_2000. * PROCESS AFTER INPUT. MODULE exit_2000 AT EXIT-COMMAND. MODULE user_command_2000.